mitochondrially encoded 12S rRNA, the group of Mitochondrially encoded ribosomal RNAs

Basic information

Region (hg38): M:648-1601

Previous symbols: [ "MTRNR1" ]





Source: genCC

  • mitochondrial disease (Definitive), mode of inheritance: Mitochondrial

Clinical Genomic Database

Source: CGD

ConditionInheritanceIntervention CategoriesIntervention/Rationale Manifestation CategoriesReferences
Deafness, mitochondrialMaternalAudiologic/Otolaryngologic; PharmacogenomicMitochondrial variants may involve a variety of sequelae, including hearing impairment, with highly variable age of onset, and for individuals with early-onset hearing impairment, early recognition and treatment of hearing impairment may improve outcomes, including speech and language development; Aminoglycosides should be avoidedAudiologic/Otolaryngologic; Biochemical; Cardiovascular7689389; 9039999; 9887373; 9490575; 10326749; 10577941; 9915970; 10521300; 10788333; 11079536; 11313749; 12372057; 12920080; 12624722; 15286157; 14755216; 14681830; 15555598; 15637703; 15708009; 16380089; 16458854; 16631122; 16375862; 16782057; 17341440; 18261986; 18983818
In some individuals, aminoglycoside administration can result in deafness; Individuals have also been reported with cardiomyopathy


This is a list of variants' phenotypes submitted to ClinVar and linked to the MT-RNR1 gene.

Variants pathogenicity by type

Statistics on ClinVar variants can assist in determining whether a specific variant type in the MT-RNR1 gene is commonly pathogenic or not.

In the table, we include only reliable ClinVar variants with their consequences to MANE Select, Mane Plus Clinical transcripts, or transcripts with TSL equals 1. Click the count to view the source variants.

Warning: slight differences between displayed counts and the number of variants in ClinVar may occur, primarily due to (1) the application of a different transcript and/or consequence by our variant effect predictor or (2) differences in clinical significance: we classify Benign/Likely benign variants as Likely benign and Pathogenic/Likely pathogenic variants as Likely pathogenic.

Variant type Pathogenic Likely pathogenic VUS Likely benign Benign Sum
start loss
inframe indel
splice donor/acceptor (+/-2bp)
splice region
non coding
Total 0 0 0 0 0

Variants in MT-RNR1

This is a list of pathogenic ClinVar variants found in the MT-RNR1 region.

You can filter this list by clicking the number of variants in the Variants pathogenicity by type table.

Position Type Phenotype Significance ClinVar
M-663-A-G Benign (Dec 12, 2018)805059
M-721-T-C Likely benign (Aug 17, 2020)994690
M-750-A-G Venous thromboembolism association not found (-)441148
M-813-A-G Benign (Feb 18, 2019)805060
M-827-A-G Mitochondrial non-syndromic sensorineural hearing loss • Aminoglycoside-induced deafness • Gentamicin response drug response (Aug 01, 2018)9634
M-869-C-T Likely benign (May 10, 2016)235207
M-930-G-A Benign (Nov 27, 2018)805061
M-951-G-A not specified Likely benign (Aug 28, 2013)42231
M-953-T-C not specified Likely benign (Mar 02, 2017)517299
M-954-C-T not specified Benign (Nov 27, 2017)517632
M-955-AC-A not specified Likely benign (Sep 01, 2015)42235
M-955-A-AC not specified Likely benign (Nov 17, 2016)42234
M-956-C-T not specified Uncertain significance (Jan 08, 2013)42232
M-955-A-ACCC not specified Likely benign (Apr 18, 2018)42233
M-959-CCT-C not specified Likely benign (Apr 18, 2016)504956
M-961-T-C not specified Benign (Dec 12, 2011)42236
M-961-T-G Mitochondrial non-syndromic sensorineural hearing loss • not specified Likely benign (Feb 06, 2015)9633
M-962-C-T not specified Uncertain significance (Jun 09, 2016)505138
M-979-C-T not specified Likely benign (Jan 14, 2015)227551
M-980-T-C not specified Likely benign (Jan 09, 2018)42237
M-990-T-C not specified Likely benign (Dec 13, 2013)163989
M-1005-T-C not specified Benign (Jun 11, 2013)42201
M-1007-G-A not specified Benign (Sep 05, 2013)42202
M-1008-A-G not specified Likely benign (May 15, 2013)178871
M-1018-G-A not specified Benign (May 29, 2018)42203


Source: gnomAD


Source: dbNSFP

FUNCTION: Regulates insulin sensitivity and metabolic homeostasis. Inhibits the folate cycle, thereby reducing de novo purine biosynthesis which leads to the accumulation of the de novo purine synthesis intermediate 5-aminoimidazole-4-carboxamide (AICAR) and the activation of the metabolic regulator 5'-AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK). Protects against age-dependent and diet-induced insulin resistance as well as diet-induced obesity. {ECO:0000269|PubMed:25738459}.;
Ribosome biogenesis in eukaryotes - Homo sapiens (human);Ribosome - Homo sapiens (human) (Consensus)

Mouse Genome Informatics

Gene name

Gene ontology

Biological process
activation of protein kinase activity;regulation of carbohydrate utilization;purine-containing compound biosynthetic process
Cellular component
extracellular space
Molecular function